Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Gender Discrimination Essay

How can you balance work and having a life? Balancing work and life you have to build downtime into your schedule. Make a point to spend time with family and friends. Set up activities that everyone can do and you can combine the two. Set goals, plan and organize what should come first. Having your goals set is much easier than to just go day to day. Work/Life balance is all about flexibility, but to have flexibility you need a support system around you. Both at work and at home. If you don’t have the support it’s harder to deal. Having structure is important because it brings certainty into your world. Without structure life is a bit more chaotic. You then find that you use both physical and emotional energy to bring meaning and clarity to different situations. A good way to improve on your skills is to write things down. It may help you balance out your day, week, or even a whole month. Manage is a world which comes from experience. There are people who took things as they come and manage them accordingly. It is a will power and self-confidence which play a dice game here. Considering women are good managers when they balanced office and home life. Women have a lot going on when it comes to life period. In a large majority of families with children, both parents work, and women now hold half of all jobs. Majority of the time women do more of home caregiving then men. Some men think longs as they bring home the bacon that’s all they need to do. Not at all, women work 40 hours a week, have to get kids ready for school, cook, clean, ECT. In my case school to for the adult and I’m a single parent. It’s so many issues and that alone can cause tension in your  relationship. Many women assume that the men in their lives pick up signals and hints about stuff like needing help at the house, and many men (not all, but honestly most that I’ve had any kind of close relationship with) just aren’t good with those signals. I suppose it’s a classic issue within genders as well; it seems like many people assume that they’re sending out all kinds of signals to their boss that they want to move up, or have too big a workload, or whatever, those signals aren’t getting picked up on their end, and then we just get more and more frustrated! This should help people get a better understanding of working out your life and work life so that they both can balance. Everyone’s situation is different but it’ll all come together if you prioritize your life balance. Many people are able to accommodate work and home. You can solve your work life problem if your home life is up to par. Pat Katepoo, Founder, Year Published: 2008 Melanie Hawks is the Learning and Development Coordinator at the J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Curse of the Lady’s Dressing Room

Jonathan Swift’s poem, The Lady’s Dressing Room, is a comic satire that seeks to show readers the inescapable humanity – and its flaws and gory ugliness – that women have to live with no matter how hard they try to make themselves appear immaculately beautiful on the outside. It could be read as a criticism of the extreme efforts women do to make themselves beautiful, and as a criticism of the beholder, the man, who is enamored by the physical beauty only to realize the imperfections being hidden underneath that flawless exterior in the lady’s dressing room. The dressing room is where the transformation takes place – this is where the lady goes in simple and when she comes out she is a radiant beauty and men cannot help themselves. That is what the poem implies that is why the poem begins with a man, Strephon, who is enamored by Celia who takes at least five hours to prepare herself, sneaking in the dressing room to find out why, and discovers the horrors that goes on not only inside the room but also with his beloved Celia’s body beneath those laces and brocades. He discovers: first a dirty Smock appear'd, Beneath the Arm-pits well besmear'd. Strephon, the Rogue, display'd it wide, And turn'd it round on every Side. On such a Point few Words are best, And Strephon bids us guess the rest; But swears how damnably the Men lie, In calling Celia sweet and cleanly. That in fact, Celia is not as perfect as she seems – her clothes have perspiration and bad smell on them. hat follows next is a series of finding other items Celia uses to prepare herself – combs with dirt, dandruff and sweat, a piece of cloth with oil used to cover wrinkles, gloves made from Celia’s dog’s skin when it died, and various little jars filled with pomade, paint, ointments, all these used to cover her imperfections. Strephon even finds the discarded stockings that reveal stinking toes. No wonder that at the end of the poem, Strephon could no longer look straight at any woman, for his imagination always conjures the images he saw in the dressing roo m and saw their stinks, their flaws that they try so hard to hide. The narrator of the poem says that this is vengeance for his peeping, for if Strephon did no such thing then he could still be blessed when he sees beautiful women without knowing â€Å"such gaudy Tulips rais’d from Dung†. Hence this is the curse of the lady’s dressing room, that it took the magic and wonder for the beholder and made him see the woman as the imperfect creature masquerading to be a work of art. However, the dressing room is also a curse for Celia and all women, as it is the chamber where they feed their obsession to make themselves beautiful for men. In the poem the narrator mentioned â€Å"Celia’s magnifying Glass†, which is simply a mirror, but in this mirror everything was enlarged, that it can †¦to Sight disclose, The smallest Worm in Celia's Nose, And faithfully direct her Nail To squeeze it out from Head to Tail; For catch it nicely by the Head, It must come out alive or dead. — that it makes her so insecure to make her spend time to look for even the minutest flaws that no one would see anyway. The woman spends a minimum of five hours (perhaps an exaggerated figure, but the point is that women spend a large amount of time preening) and fails to see that real beauty comes from within, not on what is reflected by a piece of glass. The poem shows the readers an image of the preparation taken to make one look good outside but in so doing shows that perhaps it is nature’s way that makes it so difficult – that we should learn to appreciate each other and ourselves, flaws included, for we all have them. This is not to say to forgo hygiene, but merely to examine what activities we spend time on. The curse of the dressing room is that it makes us believe in the illusion that media sells us: the dream of that perfect skin, that Barbie body, that photoshopped face, that if we make up ourselves as long as we need to we can transcend our human bodies’ flaws. But we cannot, because all these are parts of what makes us who we are.

Why were the major cities of Britain bombed by the Germans in 1940-41?

The Blitz (shortened from the German word Blitzkrieg meaning lightning war) was a period of time when Germany carried out air raids on major cities in Britain. The main reason for the Blitz was that Hitler wanted to invade. The Blitz began on the 7th September 1940 with London being the first city attacked. London was bombed for 56 consecutive nights after that. This was because London is a densely populated area & the Germans knew that it would cause destruction & upset on a huge scale. In particular the bombers focused on the East End as it was home to docks and factories. Other places in London were also hit such as Buckingham Palace and St Paul's Cathedral. This would have made some people very distraught as these buildings were part of Britain's history and what had been destroyed of them could not be replaced. As well as London, towns in the south of England such as Southampton, Bristol and Portsmouth were targeted and attacked because of their dockyards. Without docks England would be unable to send or receive anything in ships overseas. This would have caused havoc with the economy, as vital resources would have been restricted. Hitler also set out for infrastructure and factories to be bombed because if roads, railways, buildings and factories had been ruined. Britain's industry would suffer immensely. Materials to make weapons and military vehicles would be scarce and s this would have a knock- on effect on Britain's progress in the war. Although a large number of cities by the coast were hit, the Midlands were also devastated, particularly Coventry in November 1940. In the North West, Manchester was attacked heavily in December 1940, but it was Liverpool that was the victim of the biggest raid on a mainland city. In conjunction with buildings being destroyed, Hitler also wanted the morale of the British to be shattered. In September alone, over 40,000 people a week lost their homes, their heritage and their memories. 4500 people were killed in November and just in London 12,500 people dies in December. Hitler wanted to crush the British drive so much that they would give up entirely and surrender. As an extract from Goebbels diary on the 1st November 1940 reads, ‘The Fuhrer intends to keep hammering the British until they break'. The British civilians lived in fear that their towns would be bombed. At night the blackouts were put in place. Indoor lights, streetlights and headlights had to be off or covered so they could not be seen from above. This would make it more difficult for the planes overhead to locate their target. At the worst, people had to resort to living in the underground railways which were packed and which were filthy. Another place people took shelter was churches as a first aider on the 14th September 1940 said, ‘ People felt that nowhere would be safer than under the protection of the church. Hitler though that if the unemployed, homeless, withered people of Britain lost their spirit and faith in the Government, then they would turn there back on the British war effort and so Germany would win.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Argument eassy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Argument eassy - Essay Example Some people believe that euthanasia is not wrong since it helps to ease the pain and suffering of the patient in case of terminal illnesses. In situations where patients are in critical conditions or life support machines with no signs of recovery, others prefer administering euthanasia (Peterson 23). Others believe that euthanasia saves money and resources. The amount of cash required for health care in many communities is high. In addition, the hospital beds and doctors in many hospitals are deficient. The supporters deem this as a massive misuse or waste of money and resources if they use funds to prolong the lives of already dying and suffering patients (Peterson 14). In my opinion, the only time that euthanasia should be administered is when there is consent of â€Å"voluntary euthanasia†. This is when the patient comes to a decision by themselves that they would wish to die rather than suffer in anguish and pain. This decision may come at the time, or possibly they may have written down a ‘living will’ giving permission to doctors to kill them if they ever are in a condition where they will never recover or regain consciousness. Marijuana has long been known as a remedy for many illnesses while physicians used it to arouse an appetite, reduce chronic agonizing pain, and treat migraines and even asthma. However, it has for so long been regarded as illegal (Burnham 1). In my opinion, I think legalizing medical marijuana is the right as long as it is strictly being used for medicinal purposes in order to save lives. Ever since childhood, everyone was being told not to do drug since they are dangerous to ones life. Doing drugs is obviously wrong. However, in severe medical condition where medical marijuana is needed for a cure or pain killer, it should be legalized since life is important. The main argument concerning marijuana comes from the legalization of the drug for medicinal and therapeutic purposes. This debate has two approaches.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Phase 4 Discussion Board Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Phase 4 Discussion Board - Essay Example Also, the beverage industry is one in which brand loyalty is an important factor. For example, many people are hard core loyals to brands such as Coke or Pepsi, and it would take time to steal market share away from these established brands. As more and more time lapses after the launch, more people would become aware of the product and more trial would be generated. Optimistically speaking, if consumers like the new product, there would be more repeat purchase as time goes by. Satisfied consumers market the new product even more through the word of mouth as they encourage their friends and family to try it out. Hence, as more time goes by, more and more sales can be generated. Generally, for new products, the initial hype created by promotion campaigns is what leads to trial purchase. Even after the launch, the level of advertisement and other promotional activities has a considerable effect on the sales level. Advertisements can be in the print or electronic media. Other promotional activities can include Below The Line (BTL) activities such as free trial purchases offered to consumers, or free gifts with every purchase of the new product. For a new product, there has to be large scale advertisement and promotional activity to create awareness about the brand, and to steal the market share away from already established brands. It has already been mentioned that the beverage industry is usually dominated by a few players which have a strong, brand loyal customer base. A unique brand image needs to be created to appeal to the target audience, so that those loyal to other brands will be attracted towards the new one. This unique brand image can only be done through effective advertisement and promotional campaigns. If we were to take the combined effect of time and advertisement/promotion, it would give us an even clearer picture of the success or

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Marketing Communitations Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Marketing Communitations Paper - Essay Example In essence, marketing communication is among the most basic aspects in enterprise interactions, yet the most challenging to state. Technically, it may imply anything, which the marketing sector generates to meet prospects and clients, regardless of if the mode used is the sales brochure, press release, or advertisement (Luxenberg 27). Marketing interactions is largely concentrated on developing items, as desired, to assist develop brand awareness, create hints, raise Web site traffic, pulled shoppers, and attain other goals associated to improving products and services. To finish their multiple projects as well as campaigns, marketing communications coordinators usually work with representatives, freelancers, and design organizations to alongside their in-house employees. For centuries, Sushi in Japan has turned to be significantly common in Western world (Karimi). Currently, Sushi targets everyone young to old as it offers both a bar and restaurant services of separate but adjacent buildings. Regardless of usual reaction of disgust at the likelihood of consuming uncooked fish, Sushi is just a meek and pleasant meal, which may just be liked by its target audience that include children, adults vegetarians, as well as the exceedingly squeamish. Sushi is a remarkably heal dish mainly fish, rice, and vegetables since it has to often be made with fresh ingredients. This is not just for consumer’s safety but also to enhance its flavor that is improved using ginger, soya sauce, and wasabi. For the Sushi encounters, it may be linked to the NBC Bay Area City where at Silicon Valley’s worldwide accessibility and impressive slams at AT&T park just offers the best (Karimi). The Bay Area City is greater than a region – it is the way people participate and where brand belongs. Just like Sushi meal, NBC Bay Area links locals with individuals, events, and places that concern them. The city boost of its events that attract people from across the world, ther efore, collaborating with healthy fast-serve sushi provides them with essential events, content, and characteristics making the joint a center of conversation. Such a marketing strategy of associating with other renowned companies ensures steadiness and proven growth throughout (Clow& Baack 6). Sushi has made the lead in mainstream dining, currently accessible in multiple of buffets alongside grocery stores. The major designated market areas (DMAs) for the clients, therefore, are at major joints in town like NBC Bay Area City. by making the major towns DMAs, they will get support since the NBC Bay Area provisions generate creative prospects for their brand. The town involves their worth regional audience with schedules such as â€Å"Class action,† evaluating public learning matters, or â€Å"Press† at this DMA, technology show and association blog attract even the hardcore individuals. These selected DMAs for Sushi also takes advantage of the 2011 Giants strategies, th at opens even more opportunities since such events are attended regularly and in different places. Once the brand has been identified, people will just be placing orders and Sushi restaurant will grow steadily (Clow& Baack 7). On the other hand, United States census forecast indicates modern trends of growth nationwide. The nation is modifying, which also leads to changes in people’

Friday, July 26, 2019

Structured System Analysis and Design Method Research Paper

Structured System Analysis and Design Method - Research Paper Example Additionally, this methodology is believed to be a public domain, as well as is officially represented in British Standard BS7738. Basically, software development methodologies are a most important element of the software development sector which aspires to offer a structure for action and to gather, store, process and distribute information in an attempt to support the economic growth of information systems and software development that are well for purpose. In this scenario, structured systems analysis and design methodology is a kind of linear sequential process model through which software systems are designed and developed. Additionally, this methodology is considered as a representation of a pinnacle of the thorough document-led mechanism to design a software system, and differ with modern RAD (Rapid Application Development) approaches for instance DSDM (Samyal, 2013; Rouse, 2008; Patel, 2005, p. 75). In addition, one of the most attractive features of this software development methodology is that it divides a software development project into several manageable components, steps, stages and activities, and offers a mechanism for defining projects in a way that is easy to manage and control. Some of the major objectives of SSADM methodology are outlined below (Rouse, 2008; Samyal, 2013; Schumacher, 2001): Provides management team with effective control over the software development process Allows software development firm to make more effective use of skilled and new development personnel Facilitates software development team to build high quality systems The loss of staff does not affect the progress of projects Encourage use of computer-based tools for instance computer-aided software engineering systems Establish and maintain a structure for effective communications and collaboration between stakeholders in a project Moreover, this software development technique effectively manages all the aspects of software development life-cycle varying from the pha se of a feasibility study for the actual software development. Additionally, many software development firms use this methodology in association with various other approaches, for instance PRINCE and PRINCE2, which is effective in dealing with various activities of project management. In addition, this software development methodology forms a flow or a waterfall vision of software development, which is based on carrying out a series of steps, and all these steps are interrelated. Some researchers contrast it with the RAD model as it pre-supposes a need to conduct steps autonomously. As discussed above, structured systems analysis and design method divides the software development process in various stages which are outlined below (Rouse, 2008; Samyal, 2013; Schumacher, 2001): In the first step a detailed feasibility study is done to determine the feasibility of a project. Analysis and study of the current environment In this step different business system options are identified At t his stage system requirements are defined This step involves identifying various system options At this stage logical design of the system is developed Last stage involves the development of a physical design Furthermore, for every phase, structured systems analysis and design method forms a set of procedures, techniques and rules for communicating and recording information

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Leadership Assumptions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Leadership Assumptions - Essay Example Educational leaders are not pre defined and moulded into certain stature. They are people who may be in the position to influence and motivate students to give their best. Educators and school administrators both can take up the role of educational leaders because both of them have the capacity to wield considerable influence among the students and teachers alike so that they give their best. Good leadership teaches through self example. Students like to emulate persons who inspire them and are capable of instilling self confidence. It is especially relevant in the context of multi cultural society where students learn to interact with each other without racial prejudice. They learn to develop attitude and behaviour which is conducive for a mutually benefiting and tolerant society. Educational leadership is a strong tool for promoting independent thought and actions with good analytical and rational approach towards issues and people thus facilitating and building a society which believes in peaceful coexistence in a multicultural atmosphere. Good leaders build relationships based on mutual trust and confidence which is the main reason that changes are accepted with equanimity. Students learn to become good leaders through observation and imbibe qualities that help them to evolve as an individual with strong character. In the educational institutes, peer leadership promotes and develops, quality education with scientific temperament incorporating the needs of the changing time. School administrator as educational leader, helps create a congenial atmosphere of learning and encourages students and teachers alike to develop skills and knowledge base that would be mutually beneficial to them. Students get effective learning environment and teachers are provided with a wider scope for professional growth in the area of core competencies. They

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The History of Jamaican Music in the 20th Century and its Influence on Essay

The History of Jamaican Music in the 20th Century and its Influence on 20th Century Music in the West - Essay Example The emergence of sound system dances allowed for the spread of Jamaican music throughout the Western world. Jamaican music evolved through commercialization, starting from a point of trying to appeal through human emotional issues, but eventually taking on the role as a central part of the political evolution of Jamaica during the latter 20th Century. As Bob Marley took on an international presence, he and others who followed brought reggae to the United States where it influenced the evolution of politically volatile rap music. The influences of Jamaican music on the Western world evolved from an island that was undergoing social and political change. Jamaican Music Development History of the Jamaican Sound The history of Jamaica is mixed between the African heritage and the colonialism of Europe. The main language of Jamaica of the island is English, but the traditional history of the region is that evolved from small villages on the island from the roots of an African heritage whi ch was untouched by European influence. From the evidence of the primarily European influences on daily life, it can be concluded that Jamaica is primarily a European influenced culture but has retained the flavor of Africa in its arts. According to Chang and Chen, â€Å"the performance style of authentic folk music in Jamaica is African, no matter what the origins of the music†.1 The proof of this is seen in Rastafarian renditions of European Bible hymns in which complicated percussive expressions and the insertion of syncopations not in the original music are decidedly African influenced. Additionally, the use of relaxed vocal timbre which obtains the sound from the face rather than from the head expresses an African style as opposed to a European influence.2 One of the more prevalent techniques that can be seen in Jamaica that is directly influenced from Africa is the call and answer group vocal technique. Most music in both the African and Jamaican format is conceived voc ally. This is so important that there exists a ‘sing-talk’ format that can be considered the precursor to rap. The call and answer form, which is fairly self-explanatory, is a core of African and Jamaican musical performance. Rural Jamaican music is rife with this format and it has been translated as an influential factor into ska, rocksteady, and reggae.3 The belief is that most of the African influences are from the period of time of colonial slavery, but this may not be the case. The theory that African influence is based solely on this time of slavery can be refuted when taken into consideration with the addition of indentured servants who came outside of slavery during the period between 1841 and 1865. The Rastafarians are defined by Ethiopian origins, by the Bongo Nation are influenced from ancestry in the Congo-Angola region of West Africa. What is now known by Rastafarians as Nyabinghi can be shown to be a direct result of the combination of theses traditions.4 According to Chang and Chen â€Å"Jamaican popular music has always mixed the rhythm of Africa and the melody of Europe†5 During the early 20th century Jamaica was beginning to create a post-colonialism world with a distinct national identity. In the 1930s music that was specific to Jamaica began to emerge as a defining element of the culture. As development workers began to work towards improving conditions of villages and towns, organizing a network in order to gain control over distribution of resources and to

Utilitarianism Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Utilitarianism - Coursework Example From this discussion it is clear that on utilitarian grounds, the individual should be tortured for the good and safety of others, which is noticeably ethical. For a terrorism free world, as a true utilitarian I would vote for the painful torture of the innocent individual. According to utilitarianism, the good of others should come first. Utilitarianism is a concept in normative ethics that views the best moral action as the one that maximises utility.   The best and valid action in this terrorism case is to save as many lives as possible. However, choosing the option of the innocent individual to be slowly and painfully tortured is not an easy decision to make and is not morally accepted.This paper discusses that the theory of utilitarianism is a basic view of consequences. For that reason, letting one individual die for the safety of the rest of the world is a justified, permissible, and an even obligatory action. The author takes on this situation can also be justified through the theory of doctrine of double effect. The doctrine suggests for an act to be morally permissible it has to fit certain criteria and the outcome should favour many. The doctrine also suggests the action is essential for ‘evil’ purpose if it results in beneficial good.   According to the school of thought established by Immanuel Kant ,believes that our sense of morality is connected to reason, therefore according   school of thought letting the individual face torture is worth if it saves many lives.  

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Nike strategic fit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nike strategic fit - Essay Example Nike aspires to serve the human potential through sports - as the company states, "We feel lucky to have a genuine, altruistic reason to be: the service of human potential. That's the great benefit of sports, and we're glad to be in the middle of it."2 Kotler (1974) states that, 'an individual's beliefs or conceptions about what is desirable, good or bad - forms the value system.' In today's competitive environment such a value system plays a crucial role not only in satisfying customer needs but in taking on the competition as well. A company can acquire competitive advantage on its rivals on account of marketing efforts, brand building, value creation, innovation, operational efficiencies etc. but more important is to sustain the leading edge. Value creation forms the core component for sustaining the competitive advantage. Mele and Colurci (2006) provide distinctive paradigms for value as such.

Monday, July 22, 2019

the multidimensional external forces that brought changes to Nokia Essay Example for Free

the multidimensional external forces that brought changes to Nokia Essay Nokia’s website explains the goal and mission of Nokia as ‘To be technology leader in a world where everybody and everything is connected’ The website also states Nokia reinvented which explains for the fact that the company is gearing up to face the changes in the market. Change as defined in online dictionary as transfer from one to another (, 2014). This transfer from one to another is not restricted to only one environment, it’s related to all spheres of mankind. Surprisingly this change is always seen in the business field. Porter defines that the business always needs to align its company goals to the market and achieve the competitive advantage. Further there are many theories which exemplify that external forces are necessarily determine whether the business has competitive advantage for thriving long term or not. Cajanto and Karral (2008) explain that the industries always go through the changes in the market and some changes are disruptive, irreversible. These changes often include innovation, demand in customer expectation. The multi-dimensional changes in environment does not only include the macro but also many other factors which contribute to the changes faced by companies. Some of the studies investigates whether the frequency of incremental and radical innovations may be explained by different mixes of environmental, organizational, processes, and managerial forces, and therefore may need to be managed differently (Rogers, 1995; Van de Ven et al., 1999 in Koberg et al, 2003). The porter’s five forces and other environmental scans may analyse these changes and also categorize them in bigger parameters. PEST Analysis for telecommunication Industry for wider view. Political: Nokia operates in World and not one country. Hence the changes faced in world politics affects the whole company and also the industry. The world politics suffered a lot changes from the span of 2000 to 2010. The war against some of the Middle East countries, Oil expense and Endemics like swine flu emerged (, 2014). These political changes may have had a little  bit of change which affected the probable distribution of handsets to overall human population directly. However Oil expense and war may have had direct change on the considerable shift of profits in all these years. Economic: Amongst many economic shifts one of the biggest crisis which emerged was the collapse of US mortgage system which had effect on world economy and all industries (, 2014). The industries felt downturn in the purchasing power in the hands and hence the industries had a lot of redundancy, closures in firms. Somewhere this shift was not one of the main reasons of downturn of Nokia but Industry had to face a lot of changes technologically. The possible combination of cameras, mp3 players and other technology which was to be carried by people was getting changed with the purchasing power. This shift of less purchasing power probably led to concentration on innovation of technology. Social: The societal news had in this century introduction to Iphone which revolutionized the world. This brought people in different countries closer. Technological: Amongst many technological facts which changed and effected company’s like Nokia was the advent of smartphones. Amongst many other changes which turned around the world was google. The company became a success so as to a point that ‘google’ is a verse used for getting any information. They have multitude of services from photo sharing, to email support system, software development, computing and mobile operating system development, navigational mapping and so much more. These changes had a drastic effect on working of Nokia. The above changes in wider environment were faced by Nokia which had direct or indirect impact on the working and strategic problems of company. The industrial scanning which effected company have been scrutinized in this section. The porter’s five forces analysis shows how the company is effected with industrial forces acting in the industry. This analysis narrows down the environment and scans it further. Source:, 2014 Bargaining power of suppliers: Nokia is surrounded by the different kind of suppliers which are spread across globe and mainly in china. The pressure to save more from cost allows china as only country providing technology products at such cheap rates. Further the bargaining power of supplier’s increases when the place supplying goods is one to most of the  telecommunication companies (Nokia, 2014). Bargaining power of customers: Bargaining power of customers is low in this Industry because the other forces like innovation and cost determine the price of a product. However the company’s like Nokia and Ericsson which are not pioneers in innovation and are late movers might feel the bargaining power of customers. Threat of new Entrants: It is difficult for new entrants to establish a brand in Telecommunication Industry globally but not very difficult. Apple was not in the Industry a decade before but it is one of the company’s which have reshaped the Industry. Likewise a company can enter the market but on the basis of brand which has been already present globally. Threat of substitutes: This Industry is governed by substitutes. If people do not buy an apple Iphone then they resort to Samsung, Sony and HTC. There is a lot of threat which can be seen in the Industry within the smartphone market. It can be said that the Industry is governed by different brands and people have wide choice which one to choose ranging from high to low price. Further amongst the micro environment the SWOT analysis of company tells whether company is able to survive in the environment or not. The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats when matched with the Strengths: The Company has global presence and brand name which has been since the mobile phones came in the market. To make such name in market new entrants might have to struggle a lot. Another strength is the position company holds in world and also resources like supply chain management built on years of hard work, marketing channels etc. Weaknesses: Amongst the many weaknesses the company did not realise the potential of change, innovation and did not manoeuvre itself according to the changes in the telecommunication, IT and other Industry. The changes brought by smartphones were not applied even as late movers and hence the lack of research was one of the basic weaknesses. Opportunities: The recent amalgamation with Microsoft will expand new opportunities like the software support, marketing skills and branding. They will also have new insight and access to resources with brand like Microsoft which has its root to old new and present generation. Threats: The basic threat to the firm is extinction whereby it can be compared to a dinosaur. The lack of adaptation and change can lead to extinction. Further no innovation can place it on the back end of the industry as a late mover, however it would also have to be continuous. The above overall effects have  placed Nokia where it was before and together with the SWOT analysis it can reach where the Industry is shaping. This can be tedious task but it can also help earn the lost reputation of connecting people continuously by bringing new technology to them. Question 2: Critically discuss the nature of changes and their impact on company’s operations. The changes discussed above have been explained in this section and further critically analysed. The first change which is evident from the origin of Nokia is the foraying from paper manufacturing, then rubber and cable production. The operations of the company would have changed from paper manufacturing factory to rubber and then cable production. However the best the company did was to introduce themselves in to mobile phone market. It expanded quickly and certainly the operations were affected with this big change. By 2010 Nokia employed over 123,500 people across 120 countries in ï ¬ fteen manufacturing sites around the world (Case study, 2014). This states that company might have had to expand its operations offshore and liaise with manufacturing units for operations like supply chain management which affected in positive growth. The changes like having outdated Software Company (Symbian) after 2005 and not recognising to change accordingly to the market was one of the facts which impacted most on company operation which slid the profit and company position to lows. Furthermore amongst the above answer given whereby PEST analysis is done with the environment. The technological factor states that google was becoming more and more powerful as a search engine. The impact of this was seen everywhere in all the Industries. Advent of technological changes with Smartphone introduced combined the Software, Computer sector together. Koberg et al (2003) states that Innovation is a necessity for a firm which compete in environment where change is pervasive, unpredictable and continuous. There is volume of research on various strategies that point out what structures make firm innovative. However the above authors also suggest that there aren’t any specific rules for being innovative but then there is always radical innovation or sudden innovation changes which are seen in the environment. The advent of Iphone is one of sudden changes and merging of search engine, Tablets and laptops to form one Industry is also part of that change.  Furthermore the new versions of smartphones is part of incremental change. This change can be replicated in Nokia research centre and further followed so as to survive as one of the giants. The company which went in negative growth can be saved through this route. The environment changes had a lot of impact on working operations of company since it dealt with mainly the phones which were restricted to camera, GPS and bit of surfing on the internet. The company operations had to change drastically from making gps and dual sim pho nes to smartphones. The top market which used to spend same money for buying new models of Nokia diverted to Buying Iphones. Furthermore the other big changes which have been discussed in previous answer were the software problems which were complained by the customers to the company. It lead to travel a revolutionized path by tying up with Microsoft for software research and basis. The other changes which were faced by the company which made them one of the top most grossing firm in mobile Industry was building in the strategic way to predict growth and supply model of mobile handsets from mid-1990’s to 2000. Carral and Kajanto (2008) state that company had best strategic models for predicting the growth and expansion of mobile handsets from mid-1990 to 2000. The Industry analysis model and process was one of the best which made them rise and subsequently meet the demand. The model states that they organised operations in such a way that they predicted how many customers replaced handsets, how many markets were explored, what is the network evolution. The picture says below the industry analysis model of Nokia and how it affected the brought together the whole company to make it topmost grossing firm. Source: Carral and Kajanto (2008) The above strategic focusing might have included Supply chain management, sales force, research and development team and marketing departments together. The replacement team analysed why the handsets are replaced or what could be wrong with new handsets and further gave review to research team. The above authors also conclude that not only the mobile Industry in terms of smartphones changed but also the mobile communications changed from analogue signals to digital ones. This meant that company had to change the third generation of mobile handsets giving more space to store downloaded information, multimedia services etc. Carral and kajanto (2008) state that  it is important to mention that communicating industry changes is not an easy task. It is very difficult task to predict the industry life cycle with all early signs and different types of uncertain data. One of the main changes in operations which Nokia had to face through changes in Industry life cycle was human resources in company had to shift from what they were good at to something else. This might have arose discomfort, discontent in the work pattern. Further the above authors also stress that a good understanding of industry saves the companies from a lot of cost restricting later with its operations and also abrupt decisions. Koberg et al (2004) explains Innovation theory by basing it hypothetically on two of types of innovation, Incremental and Complexity theory. Both of theories have similar hypothesis like environmental dynamism, age and size of firm, intra firm structural linkages, and improvisation, Experimentation, transitioning across projects, age and tenure of policy makers. He further explains that environment can act as a cushion where by company can change direction but not a real cause of innovation. As explained in case of Nokia the company was innovating the way the market responded towards technical and mobile communications however it was not focused much on research and development. Admittedly the Industry analysis with porter’s five forces explained that Industry is highly regulated globally with patents, brand names and customer choices. The upgrading and merging of wider environment also effects the inner industry cycle. The mobile industry is closed yet open industry whereby many Industries are merging and going together to form one big pool of Industry. Earlier the mobile industry was the only industry operating providing communications but nowadays the VOIP communication (Skype, Facetime, Messenger’s) and we have IT merging in both to change and give different experiences. Hence the idea of having only Mobiles or only big giants in industry rules out. This will further provide difference in the way operations will work out for Nokia in near future. In the end the company has gone through a lot of changes which will affect the company some which will shape and then reshape the structure of communication Industry. Some of these operations will affect the company with positive impact whereby human resources will have to be shed in order to fit in with the other giants. In order to become giant or leading company in this industry Nokia will have to focus more on the demands of market environment and align  company goals and vision to achieve greater share of profits. Question 3: Evaluate the proposed changes by the company and recommend appropriate methods for implementing it. The proposed changes which have been marked by the company for its growth and progress are analysed. First change which the company resorted was to build a brand together encompassing Microsoft and Nokia as a brand together. The company as brand will be able to do much more because collaborating on brands will provide much more coverage whereby the gadgets of Nokia cannot reach name of Microsoft reaches before anything. Talbot (2013) says that with Microsoft vouching for increasing sales through mobile devices, tablets it is a very good deal for both ends. Since the skype as Voice over Internet Service is one of the powerful tools of company and realizing its potential in every sphere will help build new ways to reach customers which is one of mission statements for Nokia. The working of two important brands together will create a lot of potential for more RD for company. The company might have to invest more in RD to create more channels for new mobile devices with updated software to be given to human race. Further to implement this company will have to invest a lot in patent rights and acquiring those rights. The earlier money invested in RD failed to produce technologies that could dent the dominance of Apple and Samsung in the smartphone business. It is possible that with this collaboration the company may have new niche and acquire lost reputation. The only hurdle to achieve this will be manpower. The company might have to shell or reduce the previous research employees or maybe teach and train them to Microsoft standards. Furthermore the patent costs may have to be arranged for both firms and how it will work out by the end of collaboration period. The method for implementing these changes includes changing names of the new venture products which hit market and how the old products which have been with old software system will be serviced or replaced. The Symbian software which was heart of Nokia was one of the software providers giving software support however with problems in providers made them outdated. Further the company will have to develop new products and build software’s to support applications for those products. This will entail a lot of new ties with product manufacturing, a lot new support of supply chain management and also marketing strategies. Some of the marketing strategy which the company can  do should be bringing new technology whereby mobile phones can encompass VOIP, new technology and the idea of new age mobiles which can store more data, bring more information and bring businesses and technology on your fingers. The other changes which have been proposed by Microsoft and Nokia together are the business opportunities for developers. The developers which can tie up with firm to bring new application for users can also prosper in the way of this new market. The firm can always connect and develop with new team of researchers in many ways. They can use connect and develop strategy for Finland or from Silicon Valley which can have young university graduates to tie up with the firm to develop new mobile software’s or devices. The idea of this collaboration and working together is to also embed the culture and work ethics of both organisations. The firm Nokia is originally from Finland and Microsoft has been spawned in Silicon Valley California. The work culture of Nokia encompasses change because since its advent the company has changed so many times with time. It started from wood pulp to wire telecommunication to mobile devices giant. Further Microsoft has been very steady with the change s. It has occupied monopoly in software market in IT industry. The good side to this can be that company will be not well versed with the change whereas Nokia has steered clear with changes and further is prone to changes which come in near future. Both have different organisational culture. Parker (2000) agrees that organisational culture is different to the place where companies have originated. Corporate culture is also one of the term used by the above author to define working in an organisation. The company more than anything in order to work together has to form and foresee working culture of each other. As was said above Nokia has been very evident and prone to changing its operations and this has made it one of the versatile companies. Furthermore Microsoft has been in a monopolistic conditions operating as only one big giant in software industry. Hence it might create problems in working together and mind-set of employees working in RD for new developments in mobile technology. The RD and other departments will have to see the mind-set and working preferences of both companies. Further the other change which has to be seen by the company is through cost cutting. The company is cutting on cost on useless products and features which it gave before in old mobiles. Some of them included keypad system, storage cards etc. The company may cut costs through  the employee packages and other benefits. Further Symbian technology which was heart of Nokia is shifted to Accenture. Accenture is mainly outsourcing, consulting and technology services firm. Symbian software helped to form base for Nokia. The company in process of going through transition did not sell the Symbian Software but only outsourced it to Accenture. The idea can be regarded as good and bad. It is beneficial because Microsoft has just had 10 years collaboration with Nokia, may be after 10 years if Symbian technology is grown powerful and profitable can still be reverted to heart of Nokia. Further it is non beneficial because the company could have made a lot of profit which have been lost in previous years by selling the technology. The company can sell off the outdated or worn out wings of business to some other firm and could have pooled money to develop in RD (, 2014). The changes which the company is incurring now are in the segment of value and growth in developing markets. The company is all geared to make changes in the growing markets where giants like Apple, Samsung and HTC have not made any foothold. With the statements in the case study which were mentioned by current CEO Elop, it is very clear that the company is focusing more on the developing markets. The company might have to expand its operation to Africa, Russia and other markets which have lot of potential to be tapped. The company will have to focus on the marketing, Nokia venture segment, Nokia mobile phone market and also communication departments. They will have rebuild the old system of tapping potential with new tweaks (, 2014). In the end, Nokia has been versatile to face changes but to be pioneer it needs to be step ahead of the competition. The company needs to look out for new developments in the technology segment which can give it competitive advantage. The RD facility from Microsoft may be able to provide innovative base to increase customer reach. The further added advantage to both companies to reach new markets is the brand names they hold together. The changes which have been advised by Elop (CEO Nokia) are very apt and short term but for longer profitable venture they have to invest a lot of time in building core capabilities in Mobile market which both can have provided they tap full potential of current capabilities. Question 4: In an attempt to facilitate the change process, advise Nokia’s leaders on  issues of organisational culture, politics and leadership. The issue of culture, whereby two companies come together and tie knot for mutual benefit has been always curious case in theories. It has sometimes been overlooked and sometimes over emphasized. â€Å"A cultural shift is rapidly changing how we work, learn and interact (Hirzel, 2013)† Schein (2009) states that culture and leadership are both entwined with each other. It resides within a person and drives most of the behaviour inside and outside. Further the author also tries to justify the relation to an extent that managers or the leaders should understand that subcultures in organisation are formed due to employees. In the earlier segments it was defined that corporate culture is different to the organisational culture. They can be aligned together but it takes a great leader to align the goals of company to the goals of employees so much that employees embed that in the work ethics (Schein, 2009). Managing subcultures is very important nowadays because of many reasons which have been pointed out by Schein (2009): Mergers, acquisitions and joint ventures were subcultures need to be aligned/blended or at least adjusted for smooth working. Globalisation which produces diversity in working environments based on ethnicity, language and nationality. Technological complexity which produces more ‘mature’ occupational subcultures that have to be taken into account in designing work flow. IT which has created subcultures like structural options like people have virtual offices when they have not met each other personally but are working with each other guiding instructions. The cultural and subcultural issues influence all aspects of business, hence the task of leader is to understand the dynamic forces which arise and to manage these forces to ensure the corporate goals and missions are realised. The case of Nokia can be compared to all the issues stated above which exemplify that there are subcultures of working ethics which might be prevalent in both companies. Bringing CEO and leader from Microsoft who has had experience in Software focused firm might be detrimental or can provide new beginning. Nokia has not been in the software domination but has been active in mobile segment. The changes it has faced on whole provides us that firm is very much ready to withstand further changes and so are the employees on whole (, 2014). One of the cases which is similar to the case of Nokia  and Microsoft has been given by parker (2000) whereby he justifies that in mid-1990’s a firm named Atari hired a CEO with background in marketing. The firm was mostly managing software engineers and he found that there is no incentive and work structures are very loose. He set new parameters to judge the work done by giving specific targets, incentives and work regimes which were not accepted by way the RD engineers worked. Some of the esteemed employees left the company because of tight rules and regulations. Hence one could say that leader also has his own work culture which he is used to and the firm had different work culture. This could be one of the case where Nokia employees can react because they have been used to responding Symbian developers and their way of working. The CEO of that firm had not realized that in gaming since the evolution of company people working in it had realized that essence of designing good games was unstructured collaborative effort to trigger each other’s creativity. Politics in a whole is very frightening yet intriguing term. Politics can effect business with its outside environment and also from inside. Hollingsworth and Boyer (1997) state that business is and will be always effected with the politics, by quoting an example that the capitalistic and industrial revolution had effect on the making of cultures within many companies. Markets and other coordinating mechanisms are shaped by and shapers of societal systems of production. By the term social systems of production the author means that structured firms in same industry have been entwined by the relations with other firms like supplier chain companies, marketing firms etc. Further the outer social cover like unions, concept of social fairness held by capital and labour markets, society’s idiosyncratic customs and traditions as well as norms, moral principles rules and laws all are applicable to the term politics. These effect the firm the way it has been structured and how sub cultures work within the organisation. It is evident from above statements that the term politics effect the social circle a lot more than way we think. Nokia has originated in Finland hence it will have work structure in its roots of Finish culture. Microsoft has been dominant in Silicon Valley hence the work ethics structure and its culture will have US work ethics. The politics can be cumbersome with both firms however Nokia has also headquartered in Silicon Valley California. Further the interference of European Union is a lot evident than US having any political block with any  countries. The unions in Europe have very strong foothold than US which states that if the RD and joint venture has to happen it needs to consider the interference of company unions in the work. However from work venture point of view in the era of globalisation the companies know how to handle the political scenario and union interference (Hofsetede and Bond, 1982). Politics could also occur within the management in the joint venture. It is seen in the case study that the appointment of Microsoft CEO created disturbance in mind of Nokia stakeholders. The idea of being governed by silicon valley CEO who was initiating transition of joint venture was taken in grey shades considering the fact that the collaboration is good for both companies together. This may arise further discontentment in the Nokia employees because they might be fearing complete acquisition by giant like Microsoft. In the end the above areas are likely to affect the further running of this joint venture but if the companies are open to learning, development and bringing new technology then these obstacles could not hamper the growth. References (2014) ten years that changed the world. Available at: [accessed: 7 July, 2014] (2014) Porter’s five forces. Available at: [Accessed: 11, July, 2014] (2014) Nokia and Accenture Close Symbian Software Development and Support Services Outsourcing Agreement. Available at: [Accessed: th Aug, 2014] Parker., M (2000) Organizational Culture and Identity: Unity and Division at Work. Available at: {accessed: 15th July, 2014] Talbot., D (2013) How Microsoft Might Benefit from the Nokia Deal. Available at: [Accessed: 15th July, 2014] Hofsetede.,G and Bond ., M, H (1982) Hofstedes Culture Dimensions: An Independent Validation Using Rokeachs Value Survey. Journal of cross cultural phycology. Available at : [accessed: 20th July, 2014] Holllingsworth., R.J and Boyer. R (1997) Contemporary Capitalism: The Embeddedness of Institutions. Available at: [Accessed: 24th July, 2014] Schein., E (2009) The Corporate Culture Survival Guide. Available at: =enlr=id=LkYRFu05W-ACoi=fndpg=PR7dq=corporate+culture+collaborationots=5RCOAJNbxQsig=kUB7rqdXMmTwYMZaZ32Q20aFnjo#v=onepageq=corporate%20culture%20collaborationf=false [Accessed: 20 th july, 2014] Gawer., A (2009) platforms, markets and innovation. Available at: [accessed: August 2nd, 2014] (2014) Search: Nokia and Microsoft collaboration. 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Sunday, July 21, 2019

Firm survival

Firm survival 1. INTRODUCTION During a recent period of time, the topic of firm survival has received increasing academic attention and many of the studies have focused on its determinants. It is well known that entrepreneurial small businesses contribute to the creation of the new jobs and innovations that helps to develop the economy and reduce the poverty. Some firms survive for considerably longer periods while others do not. The purpose of this paper is to discover research findings that are related to either the survival or death of young firms. Starting a business and operating successfully is subject to uncertainty and requires resources and capabilities which is not available for everyone. Government takes action to reduce unemployment by encouraging new venture start-ups. The problem with new businesses is that there is a high possibility of failure. Subsequently, majority of young firms leave the market relatively soon after entering. It is therefore relevant to determine and understand the factors that have an impact on firm survival, as it is the widely used performance measure of the businesses. The next part of the paper is concerned with the firm-based characteristics of fast growing firms. The observations are based on the UK and US comparative study of fast growing enterprises which were conducted in 2008. ‘Business growth is typically defined and measured, using absolute or relative changes in sales, assets, employment, productivity, profits and profit margins (Blackburn et al. 2008). There is no generally accepted definition of fast growth firms, however it is most often defined in terms of having high sales growth rate. The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 provides a review of the literature. In Section 3 differences in firm-based factors between fast growth firms and all other small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are discussed. Section 4 provides conclusion. FIRM SURVIVAL DETERMINANTS Large number of research papers on young firm survival focus on the person specific characteristics such as prior experience, education and motivation for success of the founder of the firm and business specific characteristics as industry, location, age and size of the company. In addition, Van Gelderen, Thurik and Bosma (2006) summarized that ‘start-up efforts differ in terms of the characteristics of the individuals who start the venture, the organization that they create, the environment surrounding the new venture, and the process by which the new venture is started. 2.1 Person Specific Characteristics In research report by Shane and Venkataraman (2000), it is suggested that success of the business could depend on the founders personality attributes or as Shane (2000) noted on the education of the entrepreneur and prior knowledge. Moreover, experienced founders of the young firm are more likely to take right strategic decisions than the ones with no prior experience. These determinants are considered as being essential for the better performance and decrease the probability of death of the firm. Arribas and Vila (2007) suggested that entrepreneurs human capital is a key determinant of the firms survival. Moreover, they came to a conclusion that the larger the number of entrepreneurs founding the company, the higher will be the chances of survival. One interesting feature to note about human capital stock is that initial larger human capital will add value to the firm and decrease the probability of death but the subsequent changes in human capital will have little impact on the firm survival (Geroski, Mata and Portugal, 2007). On the one hand, researchers argue that the human capital relevant to increasing the chances of survival are measured by the prior knowledge of the entrepreneur, level of education, experience in doing business in that industry and the entrepreneurs motivation for prosperity. On the other hand, others contend that the personal determinants are not that influential on the firms survival or death (Wicker and King 1989). Nevertheless, the education of the founder may not have a specific impact on the firms survival or death, but the knowledge gained by learning and working in the specific industry will influence the way how the entrepreneur responds to the challenges of doing business. 2.2 Business Specific Characteristics: industry sector, location, age and size The survival performance of entrepreneurs varies across industrial sectors, as some industries decline, while others expand. ‘There is a negative relationship between industry growth and firm survival, because growing industries are in earlier stages of the industry life cycle when requirements of adjusting to a changing environment, therefore leading to greater risk of failure (Strotmann, 2007). In contrast, there is a positive relationship between the firm survival and industry relevant experience, because it influences entrepreneurs ability to successfully launch the business and compete within that industry. Here, the point is that entrepreneurs with experience in the same industry as their current business will have a more network of industry suppliers and partners and will have a better understanding of the challenges of the industries in which they are going start a business. According to Fertala (2007) not much of attention was given to the regional differences as a determinant of firms survival or failure. Choosing the appropriate location also has an impact on the business processes. The reason why the location plays an important role in the firms survival or failure is that different regions offer different resources for the company and the cultural environment varies across countries. According to the study, entrepreneurs operate their business close to the place where they live (Mueller and Morgan, 1962). Empirical evidence suggests that locating the firm closer to the suppliers, customers and business partners increases the probability of survival. In addition, Strotmann (2007) contends that the risk of firm death is 30% more in urban areas compared to rural regions. The reason for this might be the high level of salaries and intense competition in urban areas. Fontana et al. (2009) stated that ‘coefficients for age at entry and size are all negative and significant, indicating that bigger firms, endowed with better availability of financial capital have a relatively higher probability of surviving. There are number of reasons for this to be the case. Firstly, large firms have an advantage over a small firm in a way that it has more access to finance, e.g. stock markets and debt financing. Moreover, large firms are more diversified than small firms, therefore they have less risk of failure. Falck (2007) summarised that the size of the firm is the best indicator of failure at the firm level and considered to be an overall measure of access to human capital and financial resources. In addition, Shane and Foo (1999) suggested that greater age will increase the probability of survival. This is not surprising, as the studies show that the most of the businesses fail in the early years of their operations. 3. FAST GROWTH FIRMS Barringer, Jones and Neubaum (2004) wrote that there is a limited knowledge on what determinants influence the firm growth. Authors gave a definition of fast growth firms as ‘firms with a 3-year compound annual sales growth rate of 80% or above (Barringer, Jones and Neubaum, 2004). Smallbone, Leigh and North (1995) compared 70 high growth firms with the other 236 surviving companies. Authors assessed these high growth firms on the basis of the following criteria: ‘(1) Rapid growth: i.e. more than doubling sales turnover in real terms over the 1979-90 periods. (2) Significant size: i.e. reaching a minimum sales turnover of  £0.5m. (3) Financial stability: i.e. consistent profitability in the late 1980s (Smallbone et al. 1995). The interesting feature that the authors noted is that fast growth can be attained by the firms with different size, age and industry characteristics. According to this study, the factors that differentiate high growth firms from other SMEs are that best performing firms are paying more attention to their products and markets by investing in RD, focusing on growth through their mission and strategies, opening to new markets and taking strategic decisions that will make the firm more competitive. Similarly, another study conducted i n 2008, compares the growth challenges of UK and US firms proves that, product and market development are key determinants of growth in both countries (Blackburn et al. 2008). Moreover, the study investigates that US firms were able to achieve the targeted growth by operating in US market; in contrast UK firms were involved in exporting to achieve growth. Subsequently, UK firms are subject to expansion barriers compared to US firms, however UK firms are more diversified and have higher survival probabilities in case of economic downturn. In addition, fast growth firms have a stronger commitment to growth and deeper level of customer knowledge than the firms with low performance indicators (Blackburn et al. 2008). Furthermore, authors observe that product innovation is a key determinant of firms growth. They came to that conclusion by interviewing UK and US business owners who reported that product innovation is a primary motivation for new venture start-up. Finally, Sapienza, Autio and Zahra (2003) argue that internationalization increases young firms probability of failure but at the same time increases prospects for growth. Entering the international market is often costly and firm may not survive after doing business in a foreign country. Moreover, it was observed that starting to operate internationally soon after entering the market is very risky. However, some firms decide to internationalize in their first years of their operations in order not to lose the available opportunity (Sapienza, Autio and Zahra, 2003). Finally, the study shows that some entrepreneurs consider failing in one or more start-ups as an experience before succeeding in their business. 4. CONCLUSION Overall, the results of the studies show that entrepreneurs experience, education level, firm location, age, and size of the firm are vital determinants of firm survival. The empirical evidence suggests that while both individual and business characteristics shape young firm survival within the first years after entry, in the long term, business factor such as firm size, which is measured by financial and human capital have little effect on the probability of survival, while other factors still have a considerable impact on the firms performance. By investigating the factors that lead the firms to grow rapidly, researchers can help all firms better understand the determinants associated with firm growth. The result obtained here is that fast growth firms attributes of success which discriminates them from other SMEs are successful RD investments, product innovation, and focusing on growth through their mission and strategies. Taken as a whole, achieving fast growth is a task of management, similar to the other entrepreneurial challenges that they face. Finally, there is a negative relationship between firm survival and internationalization. However, internationalization opens opportunities for growth for businesses and it is the choice of entrepreneurs to enter or not the international market at the early years of their new venture operations in accordance with the opportunities they have.

Functions of Management | Reflective Essay

Functions of Management | Reflective Essay About Management Processes From the Business Strategy Game, I learned that first important process for a company to determine its future business path was to set a strategic and realistic planning about what is the company goal, how long the goal will be achieved and how to achieve the goal among the competition. In setting the plan, company should define first what is their mission statement or strategic vision. This mission statement is a statement which indicates the purposes and activities of the companys business/goals in brief, clear and focus words. Along with mission statement, company must clearly define its objectives quantitatively within certain period. From these quantitative objectives, company could set a realistic and attainable long term strategic planning to allocate budget and resources in the company. In strategic planning, company should define clearly its target market, financial objective and competitive position among the industry. This strategic planning will be the direction of the co mpany in running its business. After setting the strategic planning, company should design an organization structure to manage the company effectively, by designating persons who will in charge in each roles and held responsibility in each area of the business in the company (marketing, finance, operation, sales and so on), especially the person who will be responsible as the leader of the company (as CEO). The role of CEO is very essential because he/she must lead company to the right direction in implementing company strategy to achieve companys objectives. From the clear and effective organization structure, CEO and management will have clear legitimation and authority in directing all resources in the company to implement the companys strategy. Finally, the company should closely and intensively controlling and monitoring the performance of the strategy during implementation to assess its progress against the pre-defined targets and ensure that all the company elements were doing their parts and responsibility in the right track. About Management Functions In a company, management should establish the right and important functions which will run the company operational activities, define what are the responsibilities of each functions and ensure that each functions performed in accordance with the company objectives. In order to give more value to the company in terms of profitability, management should work together to set a strategy in making companys output (product or services) more competitive in the market by considering all aspects involved. As an example, to gain more profitability company could set pricing strategy to be higher or lower compare to market but before decided the price, company should consider other aspects such as costs, quality and resources needed in creation of the product or services. About Working in Teams In working as a team member in the company, it is very important to determine a clear designation about who will act as the leader and the follower. Because if theres no clear designation, potentially will cause the resources in the company to move to the wrong direction and this will destruct company effort in achieving its objectives. As a leader, a person should show the ability to manage and to coach the entire team member to do their tasks properly, and he/she should has willingness to listen and appreciation to his/her followers insights at the same time. And as a follower, one should give respect to the leader and obey the leader decisions. But it is important too for the company to define what is the follower assignment and designation, because if it is not clearly defined, the follower couldnt perform nor contributed optimally in attaining companys objective process. What I plan to do in my work place from the experience and lessons I took from the BSG are : As the leader of my unit I will put more effort to be an effective and efficient leader of my unit and will put more awareness to all my team member that our jobs especially in designing the most efficient operational work flow in my company has essential impact in saving the company budget and optimizing company resources which will contributed in achieving the companys objective especially in financial aspect and giving more value to the customer and shareholder. And furthermore I will spend more time and effort to evaluate designation and job description for each member of my team, to put the right person to the right job and responsibility. If the designation and job description were not fit or not clear to the team member, it will impact to the performance of the working unit itself because each team member do not know exactly what is their role in their working unit. As a member of my management team I will put more consideration and attention about financial impact of any decision that my management made. From the BSG, I see that all activities in each working unit must be contributed and affected to the company strategic planning especially in achieving financial goals. And I will put more respect to any member and any decision of my management team made, even though sometimes the decision seems to be hard to be implement, I will try to see it from wider perspective that the decision must be made deliberately and considered many important aspects which ending is to give more value for the company.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

touch senses :: essays research papers

The skin contains numerous sensory receptors which receive information from the outside environment. The sensory receptors of the skin are concerned with at least five different senses: pain, heat, cold, touch, and pressure. The five are usually grouped together as the single sense of touch in the classification of the five senses of the whole human body. The sensory receptors vary greatly in terms of structure. For example, while pain receptors are simply unmyelinated terminal branches of neurons, touch receptors form neuronal fiber nets around the base of hairs and deep pressure receptors consist of nerve endings encapsulated by specialized connective tissues. Receptors also vary in terms of abundance relative to each other. For example, there are far more pain receptors than cold receptors in the body. Finally, receptors vary in terms of the concentration of their distribution over the surface of the body, the fingertips having far more touch receptors than the skin of the back. Other types of receptors located throughout the whole body, including proprioceptive receptors and visceral receptors, receive information about the body's internal environment. Proprioceptive or stretch receptors, located in muscles and tendons, sense changes in the length and tension of muscles and tendons and help to inform the central nervous system of the position and movement of the various parts of the body. Each stretch receptor consists of specialized muscle fibers and the terminal branches of sensor neurons. The muscle fibers and sensor neuron endings are very closely associated and are encased in a sheath of connective tissue. Visceral receptors monitor the conditions of the internal organs. Most responses to their stimulation by an organ are carried out by the autonomic system. Several visceral sensors, however, produce conscious sensations such as nausea, thirst, and hunger. Touch Receptors are the nerves cells that tell your brain about tactile sensations. There are several types of touch receptors, but they can be divided into two groups. Mechanoreceptors that give the sensations of pushing, pulling or movement, and thermoreceptors that tell you about sensations of temperature. The mechanoreceptors contain the most types of touch receptors. Free nerve endings inform the brain about pain, and they are located over the entire body. Located in the deep layers of dermis in both hairy and glabrous skin, the pacinian corpuscles detect pressure, telling the brain when a limb has moved. After the brain has told a limb, such as an arm, to move, the pacinian corpuscles tells the brain that that limb has actually moved into the correct position. touch senses :: essays research papers The skin contains numerous sensory receptors which receive information from the outside environment. The sensory receptors of the skin are concerned with at least five different senses: pain, heat, cold, touch, and pressure. The five are usually grouped together as the single sense of touch in the classification of the five senses of the whole human body. The sensory receptors vary greatly in terms of structure. For example, while pain receptors are simply unmyelinated terminal branches of neurons, touch receptors form neuronal fiber nets around the base of hairs and deep pressure receptors consist of nerve endings encapsulated by specialized connective tissues. Receptors also vary in terms of abundance relative to each other. For example, there are far more pain receptors than cold receptors in the body. Finally, receptors vary in terms of the concentration of their distribution over the surface of the body, the fingertips having far more touch receptors than the skin of the back. Other types of receptors located throughout the whole body, including proprioceptive receptors and visceral receptors, receive information about the body's internal environment. Proprioceptive or stretch receptors, located in muscles and tendons, sense changes in the length and tension of muscles and tendons and help to inform the central nervous system of the position and movement of the various parts of the body. Each stretch receptor consists of specialized muscle fibers and the terminal branches of sensor neurons. The muscle fibers and sensor neuron endings are very closely associated and are encased in a sheath of connective tissue. Visceral receptors monitor the conditions of the internal organs. Most responses to their stimulation by an organ are carried out by the autonomic system. Several visceral sensors, however, produce conscious sensations such as nausea, thirst, and hunger. Touch Receptors are the nerves cells that tell your brain about tactile sensations. There are several types of touch receptors, but they can be divided into two groups. Mechanoreceptors that give the sensations of pushing, pulling or movement, and thermoreceptors that tell you about sensations of temperature. The mechanoreceptors contain the most types of touch receptors. Free nerve endings inform the brain about pain, and they are located over the entire body. Located in the deep layers of dermis in both hairy and glabrous skin, the pacinian corpuscles detect pressure, telling the brain when a limb has moved. After the brain has told a limb, such as an arm, to move, the pacinian corpuscles tells the brain that that limb has actually moved into the correct position.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Jay Gatsby is a Sympathetic Character in Fitzgeralds Great Gatsby Essa

In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby provides the reader with a unique outlook on the life of the newly rich. Gatsby is an enigma and a subject of great curiosity, furthermore, he is content with a lot in life until he strives too hard. His obsession with wealth, his lonely life and his delusion allow the reader to sympathize with him. Initially, Gatsby stirs up sympathetic feelings because of his obsession with wealth. Ever since meeting Dan Cody, his fascination for wealth has increased dramatically. He even uses illegal unmoral methods to obtain hefty amounts of wealth to spend on buying a house with â€Å" Marie Antoinette music-rooms, Restoration Salons, dressing rooms and poolrooms, and bath rooms with sunken baths.† (88) His wardrobe is just as sensational with â€Å" shirts of sheer linen and thick silk and fine fennel.† (89) Gatsby buys such posh items to impress Daisy but to him, Daisy herself is a symbol of wealth. Jay remarks, â€Å"[Daisy’s] voice is full of money.† (115). For him, Daisy is the one who is â€Å" High in a white palace the king’s daughter, the golden gir...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Play Response

It's A Wonderful Life On Saturday November 19, 201 I went to Cookeville Children's Theatre school performance to watch the show â€Å" It's A Wonderful Life† and it was the last show for this play. This show also has been showed on November 11, 12, 13 15, 17, 18, 19. This play is has a good story. I went to watch the play with two of my friends and other classmates. We went there at 7:30 p. m. at first we could not find the Cookeville Children's Theatre school performance because I have not been there before. With a little help from other friends we found the place.This play was $10 for adults $8 for seniors,students, and children. However, while we were waiting for the play to get started, a staff gets up and gives us a little guide about the play. The Play From childhood, George's greatest ambition has been to see the world, to become an architect and design bridges and skyscrapers everywhere. However, George repeatedly has to sacrifice his dreams. He puts off going to colle ge until Harry graduates from high school to take over the family business, the Bailey Building and Loan Association, essential to many of the disadvantaged in Bedford Falls.But on Harry's graduation night, as George discusses his future with his date Mary Hatch who has had a crush on him since she was a little girl, although George either doesn't realize it or believe it, and tries to remain emotionally detached his father suddenly has a stroke and dies. Mr. Potter , the owner of most of the town, seizes the opportunity to gain control of the Board of Directors and decides to end the â€Å"sentimental hogwash† of home loans for the working poor. George persuades the board members to stop Potter; they agree, but only on condition that George himself run the business. The Music and ChoreographyIn the It’s a Wonderful Life play. The lines of the show are faithfully adapted from the original 1946 movie version and the songs are seamlessly woven in. The score is challengin g musically- and these actors have the range to deliver. â€Å"The ballads shed light on the characters’ feelings behind the dialogue seen in the movie. And the range of emotion is not simply shown by the lyrics in the songs, but by the musicality of the score as a whole. The music for this show is not an afterthought to the famous plot line. It truly is beautiful and rich. Hearing young actors, some of them singing for the first time on stage, is a magical experience.Young voices being grown and blossoming right before your eyes- it represents art in every facet. Conclusion Overall, I really liked the play and the way the actors and the director existing this play. Honestly , when I first planed to go to the play I thought I would stay there for only 15 or 20 minutes at most, but after I watched the first scene I enjoyed it and thought I would watch only the next one then I will leave which I did not until the play was done. I had watch the whole play and did not even feel the play was uninterested . It was an enjoyable play.

Apush Notes

1. The Shaping of wedlock America 1. Recorded history began 6,000 eld ago. It was 500 years ago that europiumans pile foot on the Americas to begin the date of reference of accurately recorded history on the continent. 2. The theory of Pangaea exists suggesting that the continents were once nestled unitedly into hotshot mega-continent. The continents then spread show up as drifting is defeats. 3. Geologic forces of Continental plates created the Appalachian and Rocky Mountains. 4. The Great shabu Age thrust down everywhere northward America and scoured the front daylight American Midwest. 2. Peopling the Americas 1.The Land keep going theory 1. As the Great drinking glass Age diminished, so did the glaciers over trade union America. 2. The theory holds that a Land distich emerged linking Asia & North America across whats today the Bering Sea. People were said to withdraw walked across the bridge before the ocean level rose and sealed it remove and thus populated th e Americas. 2. The Land twosome is suggested as occurring an estimated 35,000 years ago. 3. Many great deals emerged 1. Those groups that traversed the land bridge spread across North, Central, and s pop outhern America. 2. Countless populations emerged with an estimated 2,000 languages.Notably 1. Incas Peru, with elaborate net field of roads and bridges linking their empire. 2. Mayas Yucatan Peninsula, with their step pyramids. 3. Aztecs Mexico, with step pyramids and kind sacrifices of conquered batchs. 3. The Earliest Americans 1. Develop manpowert of corn or maize roughly 5,000 B. C. in Mexico was revolutionist in that 1. Then, tribe didnt stool to be hunter-gatherers, they could plentytle down and be farmers. 2. This fact gave rise to towns and then cities. 3. corn arrived in the present day U. S. almost 1,200 B. C. 2. Pueblo Indians 1.The Pueblos were the foremost American corn growers. 2. They lived in adobe houses (dried mud) and pueblos (villages in Spani sh). Pueblos are villages of booth shaped adobe houses, stacked angiotensin-converting enzyme on give the other and much beneath cliffs. 3. They had elaborate irrigation systems to draw water system away from rivers to grown corn. 3. Mound Builders 1. These people built grand ceremonial and inhumation mounds and were located in the Ohio Valley. 2. Cahokia, near easternern United States St. Louis today, held 40,000 people. 4. Eastern Indians 1. Eastern Indians grew corn, beans, and squash in three sister farming 1.Corn grew in a stalk providing a treillage for beans, beans grew up the stalk, squashs broad leaves kept the sun discharge the backcloth and thus kept the moisture in the soil. 2. This group likely had the best (most diverse) provender of all North American Indians and is typified by the Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw (South) and Iroquois (North). 5. Iroquois confederation 1. Hiawatha was the legendary leader of the group. 2. The Iroquois Confederation was a group of 5 tribes in untested York state. 3. They were matri threadal as permit and possessions passed down through the female line. 4.Each tribe kept their independence, notwithstanding met occasionally to dispute matters of common interest, like war/defense. 5. This was not the norm. Usually, Indians were scattered and separated (and thus weak). 6. endemic Americans had a very different tidy sum of things as compared to europiumans. 1. Native Americans felt no creation owned the land, the tribe died. (Europeans thirst private property) 2. Indians felt nature was manifold with many spirits. (Europeans were Christian and monotheistic) 3. Indians felt nature was sacred. (Europeans believed nature and land was tending(p) to man by God in coevals to be subdued and put to use). . Indians had forgetful or no concept or interest in coin. (Europeans loved money or gold) 4. Indirect Discoverers of the youthful ball1. The 1st Europeans to come to America were the Norse (Vikings fro m Norway). 1. slightly 1,000 A. D. , the Vikings arrive, led by Erik the Red and Leif Erikson. 2. They landed in sassy makeland or Vinland (due to all of the vines). 3. However, these men left America and left no written record and therefore didnt get the credit. 4. The only record is tack together in Viking sagas or songs. 2. The Christian Crusaders of mall Ages fought in Palestine to regain the blessed Land from Muslims.This mixing of East and due west created a sweet-tooth where Europeans wanted the spices of the exotic East. 5. Europeans draw in Africa This content copyright 2010 by WikiNotes. wikidot. com 1. Marco Polo traveled to China and stirred up a storm of European interest. 2. Mixed with desire for spices, an East to West (Asia to Europe) guile flourished alone had to be overland, at least in part. This initiated new geographic expedition down around Africa in hopes of an easier (all water) route.3. Portugal literally started a water travel school to find be tter ways to get to the Spice Islands, eventually go Africas southern Cape of well-behaved Hope. . New developments emerged 1. caravel a ship with angular sail that could better tack (zig-zag) up into the wind and thus return to Europe from the Africa coast. 2. compass to determine direction. 3. astrolabe a sextant public lavatory that could tell a ships latitude. 5. Slave trade begins 1. Slavery was initially race-independent. A slave was whoever lost in battle. Usually, slaves came from the Slavic regions of Europe, hence the name. 2. The first African slave trade was across the Sahara Desert. 3. Later, it was along the West African coast.Slave traders purposely impoverished up tribes and families in order to put-down any possible uprising. 4. Slaves wound up on sugar woodlets the Portuguese had peck up on the tropical islands off of Africas coast. 5. Spain watched Portugals success with exploration and slaving with envy and wanted a authorship of the pie. 6. Columbus Comes upon a New conception 1. Columbus convinced Isabella and Ferdinand to fund his expedition. 2. His oddment was to reach the East (East Indies) by soaring west, thus bypassing the around-Africa route that Portugal monopolized. 3.He misjudged the size of the reason though, thinking it 1/3 the size of what it was. 4. So, after 30 days or so at sea, when he soft on(p) land, he assumed hed made it to the East Indies and therefore mistook the people as Indians. 5. This spawned the following system 1. Europe would provide the market, capital, technology. 2. Africa would provide the labor. 3. The New World would provide the raw materials of gold, soil, and lumber.7. When Worlds Collide 1. Of commodious importance was the biological flip-flop of aged(prenominal) and New Worlds. Simply put, it was a trade of life such as plants, foods, animals, germs. . From the New World (America) to the Old 1. corn, potatoes, tobacco, beans, peppers, manioc, pumpkin, squash, tomato, wild rice , etcetera 2. also, syphilis 3. From Old World to the New 1. cows, pigs, horses, wheat, sugar cane, apples, cabbage, citrus, carrots, Kentucky bluegrass, etc. 2. devastating diseases smallpox, scandalmongering fever, malaria as Indians had no immunities. 1. The Indians had no immunities in their systems built up over generations. 2. An estimated 90% of all pre-Columbus Indians died, mostly due to disease. 8. The Spanish Conquistadores 1.Treaty of Tordesillas, 1494 Portugal and Spain feuded over who got what land. The pontiff drew this line as he was respected by both. 1. The line ran North-South, and chopped off the Brazilian coast of South America 2. Portugal got everything east of the line (Brazil and land around/ downstairs Africa) 3. Spain got everything west of the line (which turned out to be much more, though they didnt know it at the time) 2. Conquistadores is Spanish conquerors. 1. Vasco Balboa discovered the Pacific Ocean across the dance orchestra of Panama.2. Fer dinand Magellan circumnavigated the globe (he was the first to do so). . paramour de Leon touches and names scarleta aspect for legendary arising of Youth. 4. Hernando Cortes enters Florida, travels up into present day Southeastern U. S. , dies and is buried in disseminated sclerosis River, 5. Francisco Pizarro conquers Incan Empire of Peru and begins shipping tons of gold/silver back to Spain. This huge influx of precious metals made European prices skyrocket (inflation). 6. Francisco Coronado ventured into authoritative Southwest U. S. looking for legendary Cibola, city of gold. He found the Pueblo Indians. 3. Encomienda system established 1.Indians were commended or given to Spanish landlords 2. The idealistic theory of the encomienda was that Indians would work on the farm and be born-again to Christianity. But it was basically just slavery on a sugar plantation guised as missionary work. 9. The Conquest of Mexico 1. Hernando Cortez conquered the Aztecs at Tenochti tlan. 2. Cortez went from Cuba to present day Vera Cruz, then marched over mountains to the Aztec capital. 3. Montezuma, the Aztec king, thought Cortez might be the deity Quetzalcoatl who was due to re-appear that very year. Montezuma welcomed Cortez into Tenochtitlan. . The Spanish proclivity for gold led Montezuma to attack on the noche triste, sad night. Cortez and men fought their way out, but it was smallpox that eventually beat the Indians. 5. The Spanish then destroyed Tenochtitlan, building the Spanish capital (Mexico City) exactly on top of the Aztec city. 6. A new race of people emerged, mestizos, a mix of Spanish and Indian blood. 10. The Spread of Spanish America 1. Spanish society quickly spread through Peru and Mexico 2. A threat came from neighbors 1. English posterior Cabot (an Italian who sailed for England) touched the coast of the current U.S. 2. Italy Giovanni de Verrazano also touched on the North American seaboard. 3. France Jacques Cartier went into mouth of St. Lawrence River (Canada). 3. To oppose this, Spain set up forts (presidios) all over the atomic number 20 coast. Also cities, like St. Augustine in Florid 4. Don Juan de Onate followed Coronados old trail into present day New Mexico. He conquered the Indians ruthlessly, maiming them by cutting off one foot of survivors just so theyd remember. 5. Despite mission efforts, the Pueblo Indians revolted in Popes Rebellion. 6.Robert de LaSalle sailed down the Mississippi River for France claiming the satisfying region for their King Louis and naming the field of operation Louisiana after his king. This started a set of place-names for that area, from LaSalle, Illinois to Louisville and then on down to New Orleans (the American counter of Joan of waivers famous victory at Orleans). 7. Black fable The Black legend was the notion that Spaniards only brought bad things (murder, disease, slavery) though true, they also brought good things such as law systems, architecture, Chri stianity, language, and civilization, so that the Black Legend is partly, but not entirely, accurate.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Global Warming or the Next Ice Age? Essay

It would be safe to assume that humour modification is going to be around for a long time and have an wonderful wedge on the lives of numerous citizenry. manhood have had a huge impact on the environment for many eld and can be linked to matchless the main factors of orbiculate calefacient. worldwide heating is a topic that has received unt white-haired attention in recent geezerhood yet our mood qualify is non a recent chore. If the U.S. Continues to ignore humour qualify then the effect on the environment testament affect humans. disrespect what many cleverness think, climate convert is well k nown across hundreds of nations to each one(prenominal)(prenominal) everywhere the world. My thesis is the Green push down scratch treetop is both quailing and expanding, and climate change can be linked to both trends.The effect humans have had on the environment can be linked to the shrinking and expanding of the Greenland ice cap. In the mass The Science a nd Politics of Global humour Change it is discussed how greenhouse gasses have been increase in the atmosphere for the last cardinal centuries or so, primarily as a result of human activity. (Dessler and curate 88). In addition, climate change will well-nigh likely affect worlds through impacts on the necessities and comforts of life such as water, energy, housing, transportation, food, natural ecosystems, and health systems. Rural communities lean to be more dependent on climate-sensitive livelihood activities and have fewer resources and upliftty support systems comp bed to urban populations (Alig 73). The growth of our population has increased our use of fuel, land, and manufacturing. All of these argon increasing emissions into our atmosphere that increases global melt.The fearfulness about climate change has been an cut off for decades. in that respects no precise date as such. The climate-change debate, like all(prenominal) policy debates, is fundamentally an arg ument over do. An action needs to be interpreted soon on how to respond to climate change. Listen to the debate and you will hear many different kinds of arguments about whether and how the climate is changing, whether human activities atomic number 18 responsible, how much of the change occurring might be natural, how the climate might change in the future, what the effects of the changes will be and whether they matter, and the feasibility, advantages, and disadvantages of various responses. Although these arguments are distinct, when travel in policy debate they all serve to pee-pee a chance for what we should or should not do (Dessler and Parson 31).Scientists had long been aware of the consequences of global warming and had been urging governments to take action for many years. As far back as the 1950s there was pressure existence put on governments to take action further very little was d iodin. The matchless notwithstandingt that put the issue of global warming firm ly on the policy-making agenda was the 1992 Rio Earth Summit, this was attended by presidents, prime-ministers and heads of state from around the world. It wasnt the first-class honours degree Earth Summit but it was the genius where global warming was addressed and take to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Following inception the UNFCCC has met regularly in what is known as the collection of Parties (COP) and it was at the 3rd COP that the Kyoto protocol was adopted.If the U.S continues to ignore climate change the Greenland ice cap will continue to shrink and expand . In the opening decades of the twentieth century, real estate hucksters, railroad tycoons and even government agencies persuaded thousands of dirt-poor farmers to come to the dry and wearisome center of the Great Plains, plow up millions of acres of ancient shoplands and plant wheat. There were several reasons this was a poor idea, but for a couple of unusually firm decades, bumper crops were the norm. Then, in the 1930s, inevitable drought returned. The land dried up and, quite literally, blew remote in enormous black clouds that killed crops, livestock, children, old people and dreams which is also known as the Dust Bowl. It was the worst man-made environmental hap in American history.Now, as we grow more aware that we looking at the worst man-made environmental disaster in the history of the world, we are proving to be no more wise than the ill-judged farmers who tore up the buffalo grass (Landon-Lane 11). The United States is a case in point. Some of the best climate scientists in the world are Americans. So are some of the most eloquent and important advocates for a global compact. Moreover, global compacts are an American specialty. At pivotal moments in the twentieth century, U.S. presidents were the chief architects, master-builders, and principal funders of external institutions notably, the UN itself that constitute a rule-based world secern an d have promoted the prosperity and security now threatened by climate change. thus far in the face of that threat, all foursome of Americas most recent presidentsincluding, up until now, its current one have, for one reason or another, been unable to sneak fully to the challenge (Antholis and Talbott 24)Global warming is a very difficult problem to fix. People are having a tight time agreeing on what to do about it. For example, everyone agrees that wasting energy is a bad thing to do. But some people think that the federal government should make laws about it, while other people think it should be up to each person or business to solve what to do. In conclusion, the process may not turn back entirely, but we can canvass to keep the climate from reaching a point that we cant stop it. If everyone in the world stop polluting and go about keeping their environment clean it would help. Global warming may not be stopped but it can be reduced.